Well as it says, i've been using flash for exactly a month now, never been taught it or anything and had to learn everything myself :\ so i'm pretty pleased with the results of what i've done. Ok not all the flash is great but, its still pretty good in my opinion specially as i didn't spend days upon days on each flash ^^
Each flash i've put up i finished in about a day, well within a day i should say, its not that i didn't try
I just work fast i guess, however when i do my next flash i'm gonna spend abit more time on it if i can =]
Hopefully come out with some good results
Eitherway here you go, so i've been using flash for a month since sunday, and i've done quite abit of work so for those that ridicule my flash work, considering the lack of knowledge i have with the program, that i'm self taught, and half of you who go on saying that it was 'poor' that haven't even done anything like it yourself, can't really be that great of a judge.
So yeah...
Well, if you need some help with some flash Im avaliable, Im also planning new projects as well and help you out with your moives like This is Prolouge and make it much much better. If your interested just pm me